Who doesn’t love a great quote?
Here are my top 10 quotes of my career and who passed them on to me.
In a recent blog post, I talked about the importance of a Routine – but this article gave me new insight into how having a “Practice” is more productive than a “Routine”
Here’s a quick Food for Thought for your week -
Remember that real stories of your success (or perhaps your failure) are more effective in sharing your experience and insights than hypotheticals.
With the birth of our 2nd granddaughter, vaccinations and the re-opening of the world, I found the need to take a break from my weekly blog posts. It was a Refreshing break and I’m Excited to get back.
Celebrating International Womens Day with a challenge.
Thanks Deb for sharing the article that inspired this post. Whether a first-year employee or a senior leader, we all have the opportunity to make a difference. I’m committed to making a difference through the Empowering Women Mentorship Program (www.EWMP.info), by being an active participant in the Wii Network Group monthly call, by continuing to mentor women in the electrical industry, and (selfishly) by staying connected with friends in the industry even in retirement.
How will you make a difference?
The time is now to lead from where you are with what you have. Here are some of my take-aways from Ginny Clarke’s Fifth-Dimensional Leadership podcast, including how to un-cloud your greatness!