I recently began listening to the podcast for The NEXT Academy led by Chad Jones & Cody Phillips called “Straight Sauce”. The NEXT Academy is in its first year with 2 sessions (Pittsburgh and Milwaukee) to provide leadership for construction executives built by construction executives. This intimate 12-month training program consists of 12 face-to-face meetings, 24 webinars and 4 spark events….complimented with the monthly podcast.
These two (Chad and Cody) are veterans in the industry that call it like it is, interjecting personal experiences, humility and a little humor. In their episode 5 called “The Little Voice” with guest Cy Wakeman they really make some great points for men and women, old and young individuals in our industry.
Some of my favorite lines from Wakeman are “stop listening to the voices in your head” and (when she talks about her son in an intern program taken under the wing of a manager) she comments “I can’t tell you the power of someone just being kind”. Can’t we all use a little more kindness in the world we work and live in?
And my favorite is the insight in this podcast is around “the crusty attitude towards how we did things in the past!”. Well worth the listen.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. And if you’re interested in learning more about The NEXT Academy, check out the 5 venues they have scheduled for 2019 and sign up here: https://www.nextleadershipacademy.org/apply.html Deadline is September 7!