My friend Deb Huttenburg re-shared an article that inspired this blog post: Don’t underestimate the power of women supporting each other at work.
I like that the author doesn’t merely present research results related to male vs female advocacy and representation at higher levels in organizations, she also provides actionable things we can do to make a difference.
Senior-level women who champion younger women even today are more likely to get negative performance reviews, according to a 2016 study in The Academy of Management Journal. And now it’s 2021 and, as Deb says, “back in the “old” days this was very true, especially in male dominated industries! Not as much today but sadly still there.”
So what can we do to make a difference?
“The antidote to being penalized for sponsoring women may just be to do it more — and to do it vocally, loudly, and proudly — until we’re able to change perceptions.” (HBR Article)
Here are a few ideas:
Don’t overthink it or overcomplicate it. Just do it. Reach out, make the connections.
Make connections within your company and outside your company. Host a lunch (or virtual lunch if needed). Start the conversation. Find your common challenges and solutions.
Whether you’re a first year employee or a senior leader; whether you’re in engineering, accounting, marketing, or another department; whether you’re an individual contributor, administrative assistant, or a team leader....just do it. Reach out, start a conversation, share your experiences and successes. Share your failures, too and what you learned from them.
A great resource to connect with other women in the industry outside your company is the Wii Network Group (message me if you want to learn more).
Keep it positive. These connections and conversations are not male-bashing, bitch sessions. Rather, initiate real open dialogue into what’s happening and how can we support each other, how can we address the challenges we face, how can we make things better?
I’m committed to making a difference through the Empowering Women Mentorship Program (, by being an active participant in the Wii Network Group monthly call, by continuing to mentor women in the electrical industry, and (selfishly) by staying connected with friends in the industry even in retirement.
How will you make a difference?
Photo by Linus Nylund on Unsplash