I loved being a part of the 2020 NAED Women In Industry Virtual Forum. Thank you NAED, Melissa Bucher, The Wii Committee and all my friends in the industry for making this a record-setting attendance….albeit virtual!
It truly warmed my heart to hear multiple, multiple examples of and references to MENTORING and its impact on individuals, companies, community and the industry! Almost every speaker referenced the power of mentoring or shared a story of how mentoring impacted their life and career. It re-affirms my mission to inform, inspire and empower individuals and organizations to leverage the power of mentoring!
I really enjoyed the line-up of speakers and their willingness to share insights and personal stories of real examples to help all of us be a better leader, a better manager, an important member of the industry and all-around just be a better person.
Here are a few highlights for me:
Ruth Gratzke - recognized and acknowledged the reality of stereotypes and encourages women “don’t fall for these”. Here are 2 that caught my attention…
Confident (male) = Aggressive (female). Madonna “I’m tough, Ambitious & I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, OK!”
Women aren’t good at anything remotely technical. Tell that to my daughters and nieces!
Kathleen Shanahan of Turtle & Hughes has a “Great deal of confidence in the women in the industry...we come at the table with substance, thoughtfully, and this industry needs more women as leaders in our industry.”
Molly Murphy and Brian Brickhouse shared tips for Managing Upwards and Sideways – and McKinsey research that shows these 2 actions are 50% more important than managing subordinates for business success and twice as important for career success.
Lura McBride of Van Meter challenged us all to make a Choice. One of our greatest powers is our power to choose! And when you choose, own it, be all in.
“We are privileged to work in such an awesome industry!”
And Melissa Bucher wrapped it up with a wonderful story of her daughter demonstrating courage during swimming lessons. Thanks Melissa for teaching your daughter to embrace fear and be courageous; and for giving back to the industry by chairing the Women In Industry Committee.
Courage - Confidence – Choices!
What a great way to set the tone for our future!
Look forward to the next Women In Industry Forum – June 22-24, 2021.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash