What started as a huge favor asked of a long-time friend and industry veteran, turned into energizing conversations and an inspiring re-connection.
Joe Huffman and I recently re-connected when I asked him to participate in a panel discussion for our Women In the Electrical Industry Networking Group. We had several conversations in preparation for the panel, enjoyed reflecting on old times and shared our views on all the happenings in the industry and in the world around us. Over the last couple of months, we’ve exchanged interesting articles, funny stories and helpful tips. Last week, Joe shared a video called “Shoulder Taps” and it really moved me.
It’s short, a little over 2 minutes, but the message is strong.
“God taps us on the shoulders and uses us at just the right moment.”
When we appreciate something that someone says, does, how they look, what they’re wearing, what they posted, what they’re working on, whatever it is, we must TELL THEM. Listen to the “shoulder tap” and voice your appreciation.
Joe likely heard the shoulder tap that morning when he left a voicemail telling me “what a great thing” I’m doing with the Empowering Women Mentorship Program and said “it’s phenomenal what you’re doing and I think how much it will help these women….and uhm…that’s all I wanted to say!”
Wow – that made my day! Heck – it made my week!
The video wraps up with “the more that we listen to (the shoulder taps) the more in alignment we are with God and that's an awesome place to be!”
Want to be in an awesome place? Listen to your shoulder taps. Who will you impact today?
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash