As we adopt new habits in support of social distancing, I’m encouraged by the number of virtual classes and meetings I’m hearing about in emails, Instagram, FaceBook and LinkedIn. From workouts to yoga and meditation and now a Las Vegas club is offering a “drive through show”. Creative!
In a recent Instagram post, Sarah Blakely talks about “the importance of alone time to think, create, invent, and connect with a deeper meaning.” In the post there is the story of “When the Great Plague of London was going around in 1665, Isaac Newton was forced to stay home. During this time, he invented calculus, parts of optic theory and he saw an apple fall from a tree that inspired his understanding of gravity and the laws of motion.”
As you look for ways to stay sane while social distancing, don’t forget to connect with your mentors. This is a great time to use Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangouts or the good ole telephone to reach out and connect with previous, current and future mentors.
I did a FaceTime call with my parents last night. Yes, I consider my parents my original mentors! We were struggling with technology and internet connection, so my husband asked me, “why don’t you just call them?” I replied, “Because I want to see their faces and expressions.” Don’t discount the impact of seeing the mentor you’re talking to….even if it’s virtual.
You might use the time to update your mentor on your personal or professional development plans and progress. You might just check in and share what you’re doing to stay physically and mentally healthy during the social distancing. I recently reconnected with a couple of my mentors and learned about some great new books to read and podcasts to listen to.
What are you doing to stay sharp and connected? I’d love to hear your ideas. Send me an email or maybe we can schedule a Zoom call!
Be well and stay safe!
Photo by Shahadat Rahman on Unsplash