Most people think of mentoring as a senior person mentoring a younger person. But, what about peer mentoring? We experimented with peer mentoring in our PINKK 2019 Pilot Mentoring Program and our two peer mentors navigated beautifully and with remarkable success.
When Athena and I paired Tita and Carol, both asked, “What are we supposed to do?” To which we replied, “Together, we will figure it out.”
After the kick-off meeting, Carol said “I didn’t feel like I was completely confident about what our first meeting would look like, but then I reviewed the materials (Mentoring Guidebook and Worksheets) and it became more clear.”
Our pilot peer mentors met (via phone) every two weeks and set up a system in which Tita would share her goals, challenges, concerns, and accomplishments during the first half and then, halfway through, they would flip and Carol shared her updates, comments and questions.
At the mid-point check-in call, Carol commented “When we were assigned as peer mentors we were like ‘where are we going to go with this?’ But then, as we got into the program, we found that we’re really good at helping each other sort thru what our goals are. We found ourselves helping each other out with ‘I hear you saying x’…and holding each other accountable.” Then Tita chimed in: “Mentoring works, even when doing both roles, so to speak. We scheduled our first meeting, then second, then third, and finally found Wednesdays at 6pm was best for us so we scheduled the next 3 meetings.”
Accountability and knowing that there is a follow up session are really important in keeping up with specific goals, and keeping your peer mentor top of mind.
What was the Aha moment?
Trust Accountability No Specific Script
Open Heart and Mind
Asking Questions Help One Another
Genuine Interest Give in a Valuable Way
“Having the dual role of mentor/mentee meant Carol and I had two roles to fill. I was concerned that I may not be as strong of a mentor to her as she may be to me, but trusted the process. It was interesting to see how talking through what we wanted to accomplish and having the accountability with each upcoming meeting kept the process moving. There is no specific script or hidden formula. As long as both people come into this agreement with an open heart and mind to accomplish whatever goals they have set forth, something amazing will come out of it!”
“My "aha" moment came when Tita told me that I was helping her by simply asking questions about her goals, her progress, and her process to attain her goals. I was so afraid that because I was unfamiliar with her industry and didn't know HER as a person well (including her time commitments to other life roles) that I could not be of help to her in a mentor role. I learned that we can all be of help to one another in this process as long as we take a genuine interest. I think doing both roles is actually quite satisfying as both parties have the desire to GIVE in a valuable way since we were both GETTING! Accountability on BOTH sides of the coin!”
The whole experience was “Enlightening”!
In a recap, one peer mentor said: “Going into it, I couldn’t imagine what value I could bring to someone…..but I’ve been enlightened to see that it’s an important role to keep in my life….especially to do it in a more structured basis. I can see the value on both sides…and I had no idea that I would see this.”
These two ladies gave much to the relationship and got much in return. They shared their experiences from the heart with our PINKK Mentoring Participants. I am so grateful to have met them and for their participation in the program.
Do you have a peer mentor in your life and career? If not, maybe now is a great time to find one. Need help? You can reach me at
Photo by Julia Caesar on Unsplash