I just read an inspiring article from ATD.org that gives some great tips on making the most of your mentoring relationship. Humanity, Conversations and Support - three keys that give mentoring its power!
Here’s why it resonated with me:
Be HUMAN – There is no magic potion to insure a great mentoring relationship. But there is one essential element….be yourself. As a mentee, you have to be vulnerable, be human. You also need to realize your mentor is only human, too. Don’t put your mentor on a pedestal or expect them to have all the answers. If both mentee and mentor focus on building a relationship based on mutual trust and respect, the probability of a successful mentorship multiplies.
Enjoy the CONVERSATIONS. The article provides some great advice on how to make the most of your Conversations:
Create a rhythm and flow
Turn ideas into actions
Give Thanks
SUPPORT each other. Mentoring is a 2-way relationship. Both mentors and mentees benefit from the relationship. If you’re a mentor, it’s important to listen to your mentee and provide support for their growth and development, not try to make them into a “mini me” of yourself. If you’re a mentee, it’s important to show your gratitude for your mentor as well as share your unique skills and strengths; both are effective ways to support your mentor.
This quote really struck a chord:
“remember that mentoring is a personal relationship between humans and that fostering better mentoring conversations can help you achieve success.”
Enjoy your mentoring journey
…optimize your CONVERSATIONS and
…SUPPORT your mentoring partner.
Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash