In my Mentee workshops, the most challenging element that most people face is “how to find a mentor.” It’s difficult to think outside our immediate surroundings and network to consider all the possibilities of mentors. John Maxwell shares some great insights and ideas in his article called “The three types of mentors every person needs to help them grow.”
Start close to home: father, siblings, mother. Expand to others: coaches, speakers, blogs, magazine articles, books, webinars. “In this age of digital experiences, there are more opportunities available for mentoring than ever before. All you have to do is search for people who are achieving in your area of interest, and you’ll have a wealth of potential mentors at your disposal.”
Maxwell also supports the idea of being “intentional in finding your own mentor.” Begin with a self-assessment to determine what it is you want to work on…maybe that’s teamwork, leadership, communication, or presentation. Find your “why” and then find a mentor who can help you with their wisdom and experience get to where you want to go. If you still need help in “how do I ask them to be my mentor?” shoot me an email ( and I’ll share with you a few of my best practices.