I recently received some great feedback on my Mentee Workshop: “the content was solid, but her process of starting a mentoring relationship was a little awkward and too formal.” After reviewing my program, I realized that I was so focused on providing a “structured” 4-step approach that I completely missed the need to talk about the value of informal mentoring relationships. So...…I modified my workshop to include both informal and formal approaches. Thank you for the feedback!
Both approaches (formal and informal mentoring) begin with a self-assessment to determine your “why” and help you be very deliberate and intentional in exploring your mentoring relationship. In her article in Forbes, Shelcy Joseph validates this important first step: “Before you actively look for a mentor, you need to have an idea of what you'd like to learn from them and the ways you can contribute to their work or life.”
Whether you’re in a formal or informal mentoring relationship, Joseph highlights 4 simple things you can do to make the most of the relationship.
1. Get as much FaceTime as possible (live, FaceTime, Skype, phone).
2. Offer to help your mentor....it creates deeper connections....and remember mentoring is a two-way, mutually-beneficial learning experience.
3. Ask for introductions...take advantage of when your mentor offers to connect you.
4. Ask for their input and feedback...give them a chance to be a part of a solution to a challenge you’re facing.
Hope you’ll apply these to your mentoring relationships!